Sunday, May 17, 2009


A. Lesson Title: Vocabulary Building

B. Lesson Description:

If you learn a lot of vocabulary words, you eventually start using them. Having a wide range of vocabulary will not only help you to express yourself better but also you will look and sound like an intellectual individual. It will help you get better jobs, get into good colleges, earn respect from your classmates, etc. It seems like junk to learn, but it really is good for you. This lesson will help you expand your vocabulary.

C. Learning Outcome:
At the end of the lesson you are expected to:

identify the meaning of the word through context clues.

name the different ways of getting meaning through context clues.

D. Learning Presentation:

Learning Object 1 -

At least half of the words in the English language are derived from Greek and Latin roots. Knowing these roots helps us to grasp the meaning of words before we look them up in the dictionary. It also helps us to see how words are often arranged in families with similar characteristics. To know more about how to build your vocabulary, please click here.

Learning Object 2 -

Adding affixes to existing words (the base or root) to form new words is common in academic English. Prefixes are added to the front of the base (like dislike), whereas suffixes are added to the end of the base (active activate). Prefixes usually do not change the class of the base word, but suffixes usually do change the class of the word.

E: Learning Activity:

Activity 1 -

Context clues are words and phrases in a sentence which help you reason out the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Oftentimes you can figure out the meanings of new or unfamiliar vocabulary by paying attention to the surrounding language. To learn more about the types of clues, signals and examples of each clue, please CLICK now.

F. Learning Evaluation:

Let us see if you have learned something in this lesson. Do the following activities by clicking the exercises below.



G. Assignment:

For your assignment, please click the following websites


  1. 1.reliability

  2. Alemar and Jea answers!!


  3. Herald Campugan
    Vevian Camaongay

    Planet earth vocabulary quiz

    1. ozone- oxygen in the form of molecules with three atoms, created by exposure of oxygen to electrical discharge or ultraviolet radiation, having a sharp smell, and being an effective oxidant for use in bleaching and sterilizing.
    2. atmosphere- the mass of gases surrounding the earth or any other celestial body.
    3. equator- the imaginary circle around the earth's globe equidistant from both the North and South Poles.
    4. rotation- the act of turning on or around an axis.
    5. mantle- the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core.
    6. drought- an unusually prolonged lack of rain.
    7. core- the center part of the Earth.
    8. revolution- orbital motion around a given point
    9. recycle- to treat (waste products) for reuse or so as to recover reusable materials.
    10. erosion- the process by which material from the earth's surface is worn away by forces such as glaciers, wind, and waves.the act of turning on or around an axis.
    11. terrain- the natural surface features of a tract of land, esp. considered in relation to some use or activity.
    12. axis- a straight line that serves as the unmoving center about which a body or figure turns.
    13. crust- the outer portion of the earth or other planet, or of a moon
    14. ocean- the vast expanse of salt water covering approximately three quarters of the earth's surface.

  4. Nobie and Sherly

    1. reliability
    2. quotation
    3. receipt
    4. acceptable
    5. management
    6. assistant
    7. applicant
    8. succession

    Planet Earth Vocabulary Quiz
    1. ozone-

  5. Dianielhi Abarido and Cheryl Joy Amarga
    1. reliability
    2. quotation
    3. receipt
    4. acceptable
    5. managerial
    6. assistant
    7. applicant
    8. succession

    Planet Earth Vocabulary Quiz
    1. ozone - oxygen in the form of molecules with three atoms, created by exposure of oxygen to electrical discharge or ultraviolet radiation, having a sharp smell, and being an effective oxidant for use in bleaching and sterilizing.
    2. atmosphere - the mass of gases surrounding the earth or any other celestial body.
    3. equator - the imaginary circle around the earth's globe equidistant from both the North and South Poles.
    4. rotation - the act of turning on or around an axis.
    5. mantle - the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core.
    6. drought (drouth)-
    7. core - the center part of the Earth.
    8. revolution - orbital motion around a given point.
    9. recycle - to treat (waste products) for reuse or so as to recover reusable materials.
    10. erosion - the process by which material from the earth's surface is worn away by forces such as glaciers, wind, and waves.
    11. terrain - the natural surface features of a tract of land, esp. considered in relation to some use or activity.
    12. axis - orbital motion around a given point.
    13. crust - the outer portion of the earth or other planet, or of a moon.
    14. ocean - the vast expanse of salt water covering approximately three quarters of the earth's surface.

  6. continuation here!

    Herald Campugan
    Vevian Camaongay

    II. Word Formation (1)

    1. reliability
    2. quotation
    3. receipt
    4. acceptable
    5. managerial
    6. assistant
    7. applicant
    8. succession

  7. lorina and reyshell, jay-r
    1. reliability
    2. quotation
    3. receipt
    4. acceptable
    5. managerial
    6. assistant
    7. applicant
    8. succession

    Planet Earth Vocabulary Quiz
    1. ozone - oxygen in the form of molecules with three atoms, created by exposure of oxygen to electrical discharge or ultraviolet radiation, having a sharp smell, and being an effective oxidant for use in bleaching and sterilizing.
    2. atmosphere - the mass of gases surrounding the earth or any other celestial body.
    3. equator - the imaginary circle around the earth's globe equidistant from both the North and South Poles.
    4. rotation - the act of turning on or around an axis.
    5. mantle - the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core.
    6. drought (drouth)-
    7. core - the center part of the Earth.
    8. revolution - orbital motion around a given point.
    9. recycle - to treat (waste products) for reuse or so as to recover reusable materials.
    10. erosion - the process by which material from the earth's surface is worn away by forces such as glaciers, wind, and waves.
    11. terrain - the natural surface features of a tract of land, esp. considered in relation to some use or activity.
    12. axis - orbital motion around a given point.
    13. crust - the outer portion of the earth or other planet, or of a moon.
    14. ocean - the vast expanse of salt water covering approximately three quarters of the earth's surface.

  8. Word formation (1)
    Gap-Fill Exercise

    Complete the following sentences with a word derived from the one between brackets.

    1. German cars are known for their . (to rely)
    2. We look forward to receiving your price . (to quote)
    3. Payment will be effected on of the goods. (to receive)
    4. A five per cent discount for regular customers is not really . (to accept)
    5. We are looking for a candidate with real capacities. (to manage)
    6. Let me introduce you to Helen, the management . (to assist)
    7. It's tough being an these days. The questions interviewers ask! (to apply)
    8. I could hit myself. I made the same mistake twice in . (to succeed)

  9. 1. reliability
    2. quotation
    3. receipt
    4. acceptable
    5. managerial
    6. assistant
    7. applicant
    8. succession

  10. 1.reliability

    ozone - oxygen in form of three atoms , created by exposure of oxygen to electrical discharge or ultraviolet radiation,having a sharp smell, and beaing an effective oxidant for use in bleaching and sterilizing.

    atmosphere - the mass of gases surroundingbthe earth or any other celestial body.

    equator - the imaginary circle around the earth's globe equidistant fom both on the North and South Poles.

    Rotation - the act of turning on or around an axis.

    mantle - the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core.

    drought- (Drought)

    core - the center part of the earth

    revolution - the center of the Earth.

    recycle - to treat or (waste products) for reuse or so as to recover reusable materials.

    erosion - the process by which the material from the earth's surface is worn away by forces such as glaciers,wind,and waves.

    terrain - the natural surface features of a tract of land, esp. considered on relation to some use or activity.

    axis - orbital motipn around a given point.

    crust - the outer portion of the earth or planet,or of a moon.

    ocean - the vast expanse of salt water covering approximately three quarters of the earth's surface.

  11. fearless-astigblue said...

    Ma.Theresa Laroco and Mark David Castillo

    ass. 1



    Planet earth vocabulary quiz:::

    1. ozone- oxygen in the form of molecules with three atoms, created by exposure of oxygen to electrical discharge or ultraviolet radiation, having a sharp smell, and being an effective oxidant for use in bleaching and sterilizing.

    2. atmosphere- the mass of gases surrounding the earth or any other celestial body.

    3. equator- the imaginary circle around the earth's globe equidistant from both the North and South Poles.

    4. rotation- the act of turning on or around an axis.

    5. mantle- the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core.

    6. drought- an unusually prolonged lack of rain.

    7. core- the center part of the Earth.

    8. revolution- orbital motion around a given point

    9. recycle- to treat (waste products) for reuse or so as to recover reusable materials.

    10. erosion- the process by which material from the earth's surface is worn away by forces such as glaciers, wind, and waves.the act of turning on or around an axis.

    11. terrain- the natural surface features of a tract of land, esp. considered in relation to some use or activity.

    12. axis- a straight line that serves as the unmoving center about which a body or figure turns.

    13. crust- the outer portion of the earth or other planet, or of a moon

    14. ocean- the vast expanse of salt water covering approximately three quarters of the earth's surface.

  12. aRcHiE aNd gLiSeLle
    II. Word Formation (1)

    1. reliability
    2. quotation
    3. receipt
    4. acceptable
    5. managerial
    6. assistant
    7. applicant
    8. succession

    Planet earth vocabulary quiz

    1. ozone- oxygen in the form of molecules with three atoms, created by exposure of oxygen to electrical discharge or ultraviolet radiation, having a sharp smell, and being an effective oxidant for use in bleaching and sterilizing.
    2. atmosphere- the mass of gases surrounding the earth or any other celestial body.
    3. equator- the imaginary circle around the earth's globe equidistant from both the North and South Poles.
    4. rotation- the act of turning on or around an axis.
    5. mantle- the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core.
    6. drought- an unusually prolonged lack of rain.
    7. core- the center part of the Earth.
    8. revolution- orbital motion around a given point
    9. recycle- to treat (waste products) for reuse or so as to recover reusable materials.
    10. erosion- the process by which material from the earth's surface is worn away by forces such as glaciers, wind, and waves.the act of turning on or around an axis.
    11. terrain- the natural surface features of a tract of land, esp. considered in relation to some use or activity.
    12. axis- a straight line that serves as the unmoving center about which a body or figure turns.
    13. crust- the outer portion of the earth or other planet, or of a moon
    14. ocean- the vast expanse of salt water covering approximately three quarters of the earth's surface.
