Sunday, May 17, 2009


I. Objectives
Students should use a variety of strategies to determine word meaning and comprehend text. The targeted objectives for this lesson are:
  • Use context clues to establish meaning within sentences and paragraphs.
  • Predict what will happen next while using prior knowledge and connecting it with what they're reading.
  • Predict outcomes using pictures and prior knowledge.
  • Use pictures to aid prediction of outcomes.

II. Content

Irma's Sandwich Shop

III. Materials






IV. Strategies


1. Motivation

Who can resist a customized sandwich? Have you tried preparing your own favorite sandwich? How many of you have tried ordering a tasty sandwich from a fastfood chain? Our lesson today will take us to Irma's Sandwich Shop, where Irma will make any kind of sandwich that is ordered for anyone-from little boys to vultures.

2. Unlocking Unfamiliar Words

Targeted Vocabulary WordsContent words

These words are unique food words that the reader will encounter in the book: pumpernickel, rye, ingredients, sauerkraut, horseradish, rancid, opossum, salsa, salami, sausage.

These words may be unique to the reader: Reuben, slithered, swamp, tongue, patiently, minced, rammed, squashed, impressive.

C. Set (attention getter/introduction)

Before reading the selection, introduce the book by showing the front and back cover and the title page. Ask: What do you see on the covers? What does this tell you about the book’s contents? What do you think the book will be about?

D. Discuss reading strategies students can use to help them read. Focus on comprehension strategies rather than on word meaning strategies. You might ask questions such as:

How will the pictures help you understand the text?
How does what you read connect to what you already know?
What can you do when you come to a word you do not understand?
What can you do if you don’t understand a part you have just read?

E. After reading the entire story, review the book and ask the following questions:

What kind of shop does Irma open?
What’s Irma’s sandwich shop called?
Where is Irma’s shop located?
What customer gets a sandwich named after him?
What was in Joey’s tallest sandwich?
Which sandwich would you rather eat?
Does Irma serve only humans? Who else does she serve?
What kind of sandwich did Sammy Snake want?
What did Val want on her sandwich?
Can you think of another sandwich that a snake or vulture might order?


Does Irma like to eat sandwiches? Why does she open a sandwich shop?

Do you think Irma has a good business? Why? Why not?

Have you ever been to a sandwich shop?

Would you like to own a sandwich shop?

Compare and contrast a sanwich shop or a fastfood chain that you have visited to that of Irma's Sandwich Shop.


Can you think of a more challenging sandwich that Irma might make?

Could this be a true story? Why?

Based on the story, what can you conclude about Irma's Sandwich Shop?


Writing Connection

Using the sandwich descriptions in the book, have students design a menu for Irma’s Sandwich Shop. Explain to them that each sandwich that was described must be in the menu. They can assign prices and pictures if they wish. If possible, show them some sample menus to assist their designs.

Social Studies Connection

Does every country or culture have sandwiches? Sandwiches are more common in some countries than in others.The history of the sandwich can be attributed to John Montagu, fourth Earl of Sandwich, the British first lord of the Admiralty during the American Revolution (1776–81) and the man for whom the sandwich was named.If you have access to any books about foods in other cultures or the history of the sandwich, share them with their classmates.

Science Connection

Rancid meat? Discuss why some animals can eat rancid meat, but humans shouldn’t. Although some children may have inadvertently eaten rancid food, talk about why foods go bad and what bacteria does to humans. If possible, invite a nutritionist or food inspector to speak to the group about food that is not fit for human consumption.

Art Connection

Design a class sandwich collage. From old magazines or from colored paper, have students cut and paste sandwiches that they would enjoy. Have students name their sandwiches. Display them on a bulletin board.

Math Connection

Have students count up the number of days in a school year. Pose the question: "If everyone in the class had a sandwich for lunch on every school day, how many sandwiches would we eat?" Encourage students to work together and find out the answer. If possible, weigh a sandwich and find out how much sandwich "weight" the class would eat in a day, a week, a year, etc.

Home Connection

Send a copy of the story to read with parents and siblings. Ask students to find out each person’s favorite sandwich in the story. Tell them to find out the real favorite sandwich of each person at home. Have them make the sandwich for someone!


  1. 1.reliability

  2. quiray and dumaog

  3. >>>Hanzhell & ireNe<<<
    Word formation (1)
    1. reliability
    2. quotation
    3. receipt
    4. acceptable
    5. managerial
    6. assistant
    7. applicant
    8. succession

    Planet Earth Vocabulary Quiz
    1. ozone - oxygen in the form of molecules with three atoms, created by exposure of oxygen to electrical discharge or ultraviolet radiation, having a sharp smell, and being an effective oxidant for use in bleaching and sterilizing.
    2. atmosphere - the mass of gases surrounding the earth or any other celestial body.
    3. equator - the imaginary circle around the earth's globe equidistant from both the North and South Poles.
    4. rotation - the act of turning on or around an axis.
    5. mantle - the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core.
    6. drought (drouth)-
    7. core - the center part of the Earth.
    8. revolution - orbital motion around a given point.
    9. recycle - to treat (waste products) for reuse or so as to recover reusable materials.
    10. erosion - the process by which material from the earth's surface is worn away by forces such as glaciers, wind, and waves.
    11. terrain - the natural surface features of a tract of land, esp. considered in relation to some use or activity.
    12. axis - orbital motion around a given point.
    13. crust - the outer portion of the earth or other planet, or of a moon.
    14. ocean - the vast expanse of salt water covering approximately three quarters of the earth's surface.
    >>>Hanzhell & Irene<<<

    Correct Sir?
    you have a nice page though!

    P.S always smile:)
    by : ME AND HER

  5. Edwina_maegan
    Activity 1

    +check sir???+

    Planet Earth Vocabulary Quiz
    1. ozone - oxygen in the form of molecules with three atoms, created by exposure of oxygen to electrical discharge or ultraviolet radiation, having a sharp smell, and being an effective oxidant for use in bleaching and sterilizing.
    2. atmosphere - the mass of gases surrounding the earth or any other celestial body.
    3. equator - the imaginary circle around the earth's globe equidistant from both the North and South Poles.
    4. rotation - the act of turning on or around an axis.
    5. mantle - the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core.
    6. drought (drouth)-
    7. core - the center part of the Earth.
    8. revolution - orbital motion around a given point.
    9. recycle - to treat (waste products) for reuse or so as to recover reusable materials.
    10. erosion - the process by which material from the earth's surface is worn away by forces such as glaciers, wind, and waves.
    11. terrain - the natural surface features of a tract of land, esp. considered in relation to some use or activity.
    12. axis - orbital motion around a given point.
    13. crust - the outer portion of the earth or other planet, or of a moon.
    14. ocean - the vast expanse of salt water covering approximately three quarters of the earth's surface.

    sponsored by: nail_polish...

    tnx for checking..
    GOD bless..

  6. quiray
    1.ozone-oxygen in the form of molecules with three atoms, created by exposure of oxygen to electrical discharge or ultraviolet radiation, having a sharp smell, and being an effective oxidant for use in bleaching and sterilizing
    2.atmosphere-the mass of gases surrounding the earth or any other celestial body.
    3.equator-the imaginary circle around the earth's globe equidistant from both the North and South Poles.
    4.rotation-the act of turning on or around an axis
    5.mantle-the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core.
    7.core-the center part of the Earth
    8.revolution-orbital motion around a given point
    9.recycle-to treat (waste products) for reuse or so as to recover reusable materials.
    10.erosion-the process by which material from the earth's surface is worn away by forces such as glaciers, wind, and waves.
    11.terrain-the natural surface features of a tract of land, esp. considered in relation to some use or activity.
    13.crust-the outer portion of the earth or other planet, or of a moon
    14.ocean-the vast expanse of salt water covering approximately three quarters of the earth's surface

  7. Alemar and Jea answer!!

    Planet Earth Vocabulary Quiz

    1.ozone-oxygen in the form of molecules with three atoms, created by exposure of oxygen to electrical discharge or ultraviolet radiation, having a sharp smell, and being an effective oxidant for use in bleaching and sterilizing
    2.atmosphere-the mass of gases surrounding the earth or any other celestial body.
    3.equator-the imaginary circle around the earth's globe equidistant from both the North and South Poles.
    4.rotation-the act of turning on or around an axis
    5.mantle-the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core.
    7.core-the center part of the Earth
    8.revolution-orbital motion around a given point
    9.recycle-to treat (waste products) for reuse or so as to recover reusable materials.
    10.erosion-the process by which material from the earth's surface is worn away by forces such as glaciers, wind, and waves.
    11.terrain-the natural surface features of a tract of land, esp. considered in relation to some use or activity.
    13.crust-the outer portion of the earth or other planet, or of a moon
    14.ocean-the vast expanse of salt water covering approximately three quarters of the earth's surface
